Pick ASR ~~ It’s Alive!—“Young Frankenstein the Musical” at SAL

By Cari Lynn Pace

In a dark theatre, figures in hooded cloaks file past the audience and up the stairs to the stage. There’s a black-and-white video of a gloomy-looking village – could this be Transylvania, the town terrorized by Frankenstein’s monster?

Surprise! The cloaks are abruptly shed revealing gaily dressed townspeople who sing happily of the end of the monster’s reign. Thus begins the sharply crafted musical Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks’ hilarious take-off on the classic horror story. The casting is perfect, a continuing hallmark of productions at Sonoma Arts Live. No wonder this show sells out!

” … The large cast has a terrific time onstage …”

Michael Bauer plays the young Dr. Frankenstein as a normal physician reluctant to admit his macabre family connections. His role contrasts the other zany characters, all parodies of the original horror film.

The young doctor’s fiancée, gorgeous Joanna Lynn Bert, is outrageous with her preening and socialite affectations. Frau Bucher, the mysterious and intimidating housekeeper, is a delightfully deadpan Kim Williams. Igor, the smarmy hunchback, is helpfully acted out by Pat Barr. Inga, the sexpot assistant, couldn’t be funnier than the role done by Emma Sutherland.

In a surprise cameo, Director Larry Williams, an award-winning veteran of successful comedies, pops onstage singing “Join the Family Business” to the young doctor.

Todd Krish delights the audience when he awakens on the operating table as the Monster. Krish, at 6’2”, wore clodhopper boots that brought him to a height of 7’ with makeup so unbelievably green it would make Kermit the Frog envious. His “Deep Love” duet with (spoiler alert) his new love was worth the price of admission to this laugh-out-loud show.

The large cast has a terrific time onstage, with zippy songs under musical direction by Justin Pyne. The choreography by Liz Andrews and amusing costumes by Allison Sutherland created this monstrously good production., Producer Jamie Love enthuses about veterans and newbies too: “I’m thrilled that many of my young students had a chance to work on the lights and sound, and did such a great job!”

Director Williams had the last word: “We had so much fun bringing Young Frankenstein back to life!”



ASR Writer & Editor Cari Lynn Pace is a voting member of SF Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle and writes theatre and lifestyle reviews for the Marinscope Community Newspapers throughout Marin County. Contact: [email protected]


ProductionYoung Frankenstein -- The Musical
Book byThomas Meehan and Mel Brooks
Directed byLarry Williams
Producing CompanySonoma Arts Live
Production DatesThru Sept 22nd
Production AddressRotary Stage: Andrews Hall, Sonoma Community Center
276 E. Napa Street, Sonoma
Tickets$25 – $42
Reviewer ScoreMax in each category is 5/5
Aisle Seat Review Pick?YES!