Help Wanted

Help Wanted


Aisle Seat Reviews, home of “Independent Theater, Event, and Performance Reviews in Plain English” is always on the lookout for writers with a focus on their craft.

We’re also searching for discerning technical theater pros who know good technical theater / performance practices when they see them.

If you are a seasoned writer with years of experience or if you are just starting out as a writer, let’s talk. We’re happy to mentor writers who are on their way up-the-ladder.

We’re a boot-strapped startup, so don’t look for paying the rent off your work here. That said, we are aggressively looking to grow this service into one which at least pays for itself. And — we do pay our writers/contributors. Yes, you read that right, we PAY our contributors. It’s not huge money, but it’s way better than free.


Currently. we are looking for the following contributors:

  • Section Editor: You will be an editor of one of the following sections of ASR, working with ASR’s Senior Editor:
    • Opera
    • Ballet
    • Symphony
    • Film
    • Musical Performance (not symphony)
    • Event (You decide. If it’s in the Arts, we’re probably interested!)
  • Reviewers and Senior reviewers (with byline) for each section.
  • Technical Theater Reviewers (Team ASR, no individual byline)
  • Copy Editor: This is a paid position.
  • WebmasterThis is a paid position.